Ephesians MP3 Set
Dr. Stauffer teaches the book of Ephesians (12 segments). Each verse covered in detail with multiple cross references.
Study titles:
Study 1 (1:1 to 1:16) "Calvinism 101" & "In Whom We Have..."
Study 2 (1:16 to 1:19) "The Apostle Paul's Prayer Request"
Study 3 (1:20 to 2:4) "But God Who is Rich in Mercy"
Study 4 (2:5 to 2:22) "Circumcised Without Hands" & "Both One in Christ"
Study 5 (3:1 to 3:14) "The Mystery is Now Revealed"
Study 6 (3:14 to 3:21) "Exceeding Abundantly Above All"
Study 7 (4:1 to 4:11) "The Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace"
Study 8 (4:12 to 4:28) "Speaking the Truth in Love"
Study 9 (4:29 to 5:11) "Forgiving One Another For Christ's Sake"
Study 10 (5:12 to 5:28) "Redeeming the Time in the Evil Days"
Study 11 (5:28 to 6:11) "Provoke Not Your Children to Wrath"
Study 12 (6:12 to 6:24) "The Whole Armour of God"