The Fingerprint of God contends that the Book written by God is available, and His fingerprints can be found on its message, its words, and its letters. As surely as the enemies of Jesus Christ found His written words relevant, God’s Book is as relevant today as the day it was originally written.
A Tale of Three Cities is a tale of intrigue and deception — one which pits the forces of God and Satan into battle over the integrity of the Bible. This war over the word, which began in Eden's beautiful garden, still rages today with ever increasing fury. God's churches, God's men, and God's people cannot afford to remain neutral when the stakes are so high. Yet, many seem determined to live their spiritual lives as deserters. A Tale of Three Cities examines the manuscripts that came out of three separate cities; Rome, Italy; Alexandria, Egypt; and Antioch of Syria.
How Your Sins Can Be Forgiven Deals with the important subject of how you can make perfect peace with God and be assured of a home in heaven. It does so by looking at the Bible doctrine of propitiation. Please do not be put off by this word. If you do not know what propitiation is, you are in the majority. However, by the time you get through with this booklet, it should make perfect sense to you. It is a powerful picture of salvation and a powerful Bible lesson in forgiveness and exactly how we get it.
So You Want to Lose Your Salvation: now in its fifth printing; is a tongue in cheek approach to combating the false teaching of one being able to lose their salvation. In this 14 step approach the author shows from scripture what a person would have to do in order to "give back" their salvation to Christ. From "Declaring God's grace as insufficent" to "Taking the Son with You to Hell", the author shows that it is impossible for a person to lose their salvation they have received from God.
The Myth of Early Revisions Deals with the attack by some that there have been revisions made to the King James Version since 1611. This attack was used by the English revisers of 1881 and has been revived in recent years by fundamentalist "scholars" hoping to sell their latest translations. This book is given as an answer to this attack.
What The Christian Scriptures Say About the Jew Have you ever wondered? What does the Bible really say about the Jewish people? Do the books of the Bible from Matthew through Revelation forever condemn the Jewish people as Christ-killers? Do they eternally have their blood of Christ on their hands? Or do the Christian Scriptures tell an entirely different story? These questions and more are answered in this small book.
By grace, God has given to His people everything we need to fulfill His will. God wants each of us, by that same grace, to give in getting the gospel to every person on Earth.
- Page count: 43 pages
- Author: Hugh Taylor
- Studio: McCowen Mills Publishers
- Copyright: 2004
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Thank you in advance for donating to this ministry. I pray that God will bless you richly for your willingness to spread the gospel and your tenderness to the leading of the Spirit of God.
Thank you in advance for donating to this ministry. I pray that God will bless you richly for your willingness to spread the gospel and your tenderness to the leading of the Spirit of God.
Thank you in advance for donating to this ministry. I pray that God will bless you richly for your willingness to spread the gospel and your tenderness to the leading of the Spirit of God.